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Aye, aye, captain是的,船长I can#39t hear you太小声罗Aye, aye, captain是的,船长以下是海绵宝宝的相关介绍海绵宝宝SpongeBob SquarePants是一部由舍曼·科恩沃特·杜赫山姆·亨德森保罗·。

who ripped his pantsWhen big Larry came #39round just to put him down,Spongebob turned into a clownAnd no girl ever wants to dance,With a fool who went andRip Soundripped his pantsSpongeBobI know。

Sweet Victory,海绵宝宝中歌曲,歌手EisleyKulick The winner takes all 成功的人获得一切 Its the thrill of one more kill 恐惧的人总会失败 不会失败 the last on to fall will never sacrifice their wil。

海绵宝宝主题曲完全版 歌词 英文 Are ya ready kids?Aye Aye Captain!I CAN#39T HEAR YOU!AYE AYE CAPTAIN!ohhhhhh!Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!Absorbant and yellow and poreous。


Kids Aye Aye Captain!孩子是的船长Captain OHHHHHHH, Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?船长哦哦哦~~~,是谁住在深海的大凤梨里Kids SpongeBob SquarePants!孩子海绵宝宝Captain Absorbent and。

是高菲·高伯,是一个歌手,在海绵宝宝历险记的动漫剧场版中出现了他的一首歌曲,The Goofy Goober Song歌词I#39m a goofy goober Rock You#39re a goofy goober Rock We#39re all goofy goobers Rock Goofy。

