“No chicken, no banquet” is the accepted rule of the Guangzhou people. There are more than 200 cooking methods for chicken, which not only have excellent color, aroma and shape, but also form their own flavor characteristics. 广州人“无鸡不成宴”,对鸡的烹调方法已超过二百种,不但色香味形俱佳...
文章原创,版权归本作者所有,欢迎个人转发分享! 很多人都说取名字要注意谐音,例如“史珍香”、“杨巅峰”、“杜子腾”等等,因为撞上了一些人们耳熟能详的东西,往往容易闹笑话。但是谐音也有谐音的巧妙之处,更容易被人记住。 陆老师最近喜获一子,高兴得不得了,到了学校还给班上的学生发喜糖,有调皮的孩子问道:“老师你的孩子叫什么名字?”陆老师说还么想好,学生们叽叽喳喳地给出建议,于是陆老师说“要不你们今天的作文就写这个好了。” 等作文交上了之后,陆老师看了看名字,有陆地、陆虎、陆边摊……不由得为这些孩子的想象力竖起大拇指。...
Another South China tiger cub was born in the Shaoguan South China Tiger Breeding Research Base on September 3! 韶关华南虎繁育研究基地又一只华南虎宝宝于9月3日诞生啦。 It is known that the South China tiger is a tiger subspecies endemic to in China, listed as the first of the top ten...