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抖音英文名句励志 2020抖音火爆英文句子

抖音中的英文句子 1曾经人生酸辣苦,有了你之后,便凑齐了甜 Once life etimes alienation is not hatred, but too fond and helpless 6永远面向阳光,这样你就看不见阴影了 Als charming floe a dream 24希望下次喝酒;1 饮一杯清酒 度一场清秋 爱一生之久Drink a glass of sake for a lifetime of pure autumn love2 以前安稳是为了你,现在潇洒是为了我自己In the past, it was for you, and now it is for myself#。

1人生目标确定容易实现难,但如果不去行动,那么连实现的可能也不会有 2贪婪的心像沙漠中的不毛之地,吸收一切雨水,却不滋生草木以方便他人 3世界是大舞台,公司是小舞台,家庭是后台,生活是连续剧,我们就是主角 4人的;1No one like you 无人像你2Life is not a matter of a day人生没有不重要的一天3The more deeply love, the more hurt 越是深爱,越被伤害4Without victory,there is no survival唯有胜利。

抖音很火英文句子 1深不过真情,凉不过人心,美不过回忆,伤不过别离 Deep but true feelings, cold but hearts, beautiful but memories, hurt but parting 2千万不要回头看,身后的千万盏灯火,都不是你;Love is an unknown place that no saying from all around the worldcan explain爱情是用全世界所有的名言都无法解释的未知世界In life, couples meet because of fateTo go through life together is happiness走在。

1我的爱为你开启,像白色的闪电划破天际My love is for you to open, like white lightning pierced the sky2幸福右边荒芜人烟The right side of happiness3爱是长在我们心里的藤蔓Love is a vine;1younogood,butdeepinmyheart你没什么好的,却深得我心2Rememberyouretheonewhocanfilltheworldwithsunshine记住,是你让这个世界充满阳光3Ventureoutsideyourcomfortzone,Therewardsareworthit踏出你的舒适区。

all else you are going to survive无论怎么样,只要继续提醒你自己你会成功的你会痊愈的,最重要的是你会活下来的Words by Bianca Sparacino Artwork by unknown artist 英文来自抖音@yaya 翻译来自有道翻译。



2、1Follow the steps you through the remotest corners of the globe跟着你的脚步,走遍天涯海角 2With you to the old, and you have a good伴你到老,和你共度美好 3They say absense makes the heart。


4、抖音英文说说1 1Follow the steps you through the remotest corners of the globe跟着你的脚步,走遍天涯海角2With you to the old, and you have a good伴你到老,和你共度美好3They say absense。

5、1吃得苦中苦,方为人上人To be a master is to eat bitterly2偶尔动个情,但要记得醒Once in a while, but remember to wake up3把尽力而为变成竭尽全力Turn best effort into best effort4。


1learn to use high heels to fight you are the real queen学会用高跟鞋打架 你才是真正的女王 2dream three years, three years of pain三年梦,三年痛3thank you for your smile, once panic over my t。

抖音句子伤感英语 1你在人潮里不知所措,我却跟在你身后,伸手怕犯错,缩手怕错过 You dont kno lonely 20最难过的是遇见了,得到了,又匆忙的失去,然后在心底留了一道疤,它让你什么时候疼,就什么时候疼 The most sad t。

1Something Just Like This 详细介绍Something Just Like This可以说是当之无愧最热门的抖音英文歌曲,它是由多个乐队合作演唱,曲风非常炫酷,结合了独特的电子和Future Bass2Samsara 详细介绍Samsara是。

